Health Buzz

Melanoma: Risk Factors, Diagnosis and Treatment (Infographic)

Worldwide Incidence of Melanoma

Etiology and Risk Factors

  • Sun exposure
  • Severe sunburn at a young age
  • Features associated with a fair complexion
  • Number of melanocytic nevi
  • Presence and number of dysplastic nevi
  • Positive family history
Health Buzz

Unhealthy Lifestyle Can Cause Potential Diseases

Nine in 10 Filipino consumers surveyed by global nutrition company Herbalife are “highly concerned” about the potential diseases that an unhealthy lifestyle can cause them, with the same number believing that simple lifestyle changes can help improve their overall well-being.

A good number of the respondents expressed willingness to adopt a healthy lifestyle; 79 percent said that they would cut down on unhealthy foods, 78 percent expressed their willingness to exercise more regularly, and 72 percent said they would make better nutrition choices.

Business Talk

Fast Cash for your New Business

Starting a new business and cash flow has been delayed, is insufficient or whatever financial problems you are currently involved? Here’s a solution to perk up your spirit – Apply for a business or fast cash loan!

But there will be a lingering question, two in fact – Will you qualify and What are the benefits?

First off, we need to tackle a few things:

Peso Bills

Entertainment Music

Melodies Made by Wind Instruments

I really wonder how I would feel if my sense of hearing is lost. That would be seriously daunting, I guess. No one would ever want to live a life with no ability to hear. Life would then seem to be useless and very boring. With all those different instruments to play around, and the sound that turns into melody, I’ll be forever thankful that I can hear.

Though I’m not a gifted musician myself, I still love the sounds that instruments make, especially those that appear very weird and mimic the sound of the surrounding. I remember playing the different sounds a wind instrument called top didgeridoo can make. It was my first time to see it online so I tried to click the buttons that play the sounds, and it made me appreciate more the gift of hearing and the natural sounds filled my room that kicked my boredom away.


Home and Living

Enhance Your Bedroom with Headboards and Canopy Beds

The bedroom is the inner sanctum of a home, the place where you go to rest, relax and rejuvenate. Because a bedroom is not a common area which will be seen by family and friends, many people scrimp on decorating the bedroom and go with a simple Hollywood bed fame, skipping headboards or any other sort of ornamentation. They have the basics – a nightstand or two, a dresser and perhaps a chair.

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Beauty Musings

Eyelid Surgery – Costs, Risks, and Recovery Time

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is surgical process that involves removing access skin, muscle, and fatty tissue. This process is used by patients for cosmetic reasons or to remove skin that may block eyesight.

Although it is commonly used as a cosmetic procedure, eyelid surgery will not reduce facial wrinkles, eliminate crow’s nest, or remove dark circles from underneath the eyes. This surgery will effectively reduce bagginess from beneath the eyelids and remove extra skin.

Eyelid surgery will not stop the aging process, but the results of the procedure are long lasting. The effects of eyelid surgery may last for five to seven years. Some patients have experienced life long benefits.

Eyelid Surgery

Home and Living

Everything You Need for Your Kitchen

Whether you are building your first collection of cookware for your new home or simply revamping your collection after several years of use, it is important to put some thought into the items you buy for your kitchen. Pots and pans are not all created alike, and just because your friend loves her Paula Dean® cookware does not mean it is the right choice for your purposes. Follow these simple tips to ensure you come home with a collection that serves your specific needs.

Paula Dean® cookware

Entertainment Home and Living

How to Change NTSC to PAL with Movavi Video Converter

NTSC or in other words, National Television System Committee is a standard of color TV that is applicable in some of the nations in Asia as well as South America. On the other hand, Phase Alternating Line is a format, which is generally used in some countries of Western Europe, Australia and in Africa. These standards for video encoding are not compatible to each other. As a result, if you track video in one format such as NTSC, then the individuals who are using another one, that is, PAL format would not be able to view your video. So, there is a need of conversion from one format to another.

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Shop for Bags and Goodies at Affordable Prices!

Shopping makes me feel good, whether in the mall or online. It brings a sense of inner satisfaction and utmost joy. I’m sure women out there will agree with me, especially those with shopaholic syndrome, lol. It somehow relieves stress, boredom, anxiety and whatever it is that brings our spirits down. Sudden rush of excitement while trying on a dress or a lipstick, that feeling of immediate happiness and contentment once you purchased something you like.

I usually shop online but I do go to the mall when I get the chance. If time doesn’t permit, online shopping malls are my best friend such as

Shop for bags

Lifestyle Product Reviews

Unisex Waterproof Rhinestone Wrist Watch from Tmart

I’m a sucker for anything fashionable and yes, shiny. But you can’t call me a magpie because I don’t steal, lol.. You know, a bird specie who likes all things shiny and steals them, put them in their nests..

Anyway, here’s a new post about my new “shiny” fave, the Waterproof Rhinestone Alloy Quartz Multi-Movement Wrist Watch I got for review from
