Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is surgical process that involves removing access skin, muscle, and fatty tissue. This process is used by patients for cosmetic reasons or to remove skin that may block eyesight.
Although it is commonly used as a cosmetic procedure, eyelid surgery will not reduce facial wrinkles, eliminate crow’s nest, or remove dark circles from underneath the eyes. This surgery will effectively reduce bagginess from beneath the eyelids and remove extra skin.
Eyelid surgery will not stop the aging process, but the results of the procedure are long lasting. The effects of eyelid surgery may last for five to seven years. Some patients have experienced life long benefits.

How The Procedure Works
The entire procedure may last up to two hours if the patient prefers to have surgery on both the upper and lower eyelids. The surgeon will make an incision across the eyelid. After the incision is made, the surgeon will divide the skin from the underlying tissue and remove unwanted fat, muscle, and skin. The surgeon will use small sutures to close the incisions that will remain in place between three to six days.
Recovery Time Expectations
The complete healing process varies by patient. It may take as little as three days or up two weeks for the healing process to complete. Bruising and swelling may occur, but the eyelid may return to normal within a few weeks. The stitches will remain in place for at least six days. For the next two weeks, patients should avoid any activity that increases the heart rate or blood pressure which may cause in bleeding.
Potential Eyelid Surgery Risks
Although risks hardly occur in patients, here is a list of potential complications:
• Dry eyes
• Abnormal discoloration
• Infection
• Loss of the ability to close eyelids
• Obstructed vision
• Bleeding
Projected Cost of Eyelid Surgery
In most cases, cosmetic eyelid surgery is not covered by insurance. Expenses of eyelid surgery include fees established by the surgeon, facility fees, and the costs for anesthesia. The costs may vary by surgeon and the patients surgical preferences.
According to the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the national average for eyelid surgery is approximately $3,528. Facility fees typically cost $1000 and anesthesia fees range from $400 to $800 dollars.
For lower eyelid surgery only, the patient can expect to pay around $2500 dollars. The cost is typically the same if the patient choose to have upper eyelid surgery only. For a complete rejuvenation of both upper and lower eyelids, patients may pay around $4000 dollars.
Preoperative cost will include exam fees and blood work. Postoperative expenses encompass prescriptions, cold compresses, make-up, dark sunglasses,eye drops, and wedge pillows.
Before deciding to have eyelid surgery, it is very important to discuss your intentions with your doctor to confirm that you are an ideal candidate for the surgery and that eyelid surgery will help resolve your concerns.
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