Entertainment Health Buzz

Exercise with your iPod!

Nowadays, when you go to a gym, you won’t see any huge sound system used as music accompaniment when doing any sort of exercises. I used to go to a nearby gym and they had this boom box which played ear tearing music. That was terrible, really, and I wasn’t able to concentrate on the routines coz I kept covering my ears. It seems that the other members of the class weren’t annoyed at all, mainly coz they were young people who enjoyed loud music to the extremes.

Apple iPod 5th Gen

Family Health Buzz

Adult Bed Wetting Solutions

Adult bed-wetting is a common problem as you can see from all the TV ads about disposable diapers available for adults. The first thing to do when adults have a bed-wetting problem is to consult with a doctor to make sure that there is nothing medically wrong to cause this problem to develop. Bed-wetting in the adult years can be a symptom of diabetes, kidney or bladder problems or something as simple as a urinary tract infection, for which there are antibiotics to be given. Even though disposable diapers do help adults feel more comfortable, adult bed wetting does need to be checked out.

Adult Bed-Wetting

Health Buzz

Stress Management: Spa Treatments For You

In this day and age, different forms of relaxation can be done whether at home or outside. You can choose from many such as going to the salon to have a much needed makeover, a massage parlor to stretch those aching muscles, a trip to the movie to have your alone time and more. It’s up to you which best suit your current mood, coz it will affect the rest of your day.

So, how can you relate stress management? Well, a simple logic will tell you that when you are stressed, your whole being is at risk too. It starts from the mind, you can’t think rationally, then to your heart, which pumps blood faster than normal, making your whole body tensed, then your muscles will feel the “heat”, making you ache all over.


Health Buzz Random Musings

I’m Fat and I Don’t Like It!

Sorry, can’t think of any other title than that,lol. It actually just hit me when I was thinking on what to post for today. This blog is more personal than my mommy blog, so just lend me your ears 🙂

Yep, I think I’m fat and so does my husband and my friends and every old friend who sees me every now and then and this is unexpectedly turning into a rant waah.. Can you blame me? My head title is “chic momma” and here i am starting to feel sad coz well, I’m fat!

I weigh… hmmm better you don’t know the exact numbers hahaha.. I’m actually lighter and thinner than 5 or 2 years ago. 5 eons ago, I was on my heaviest at 180lbs and I’m 5’5″ in height. So, imagine a “dumbo” walking in the mall with heavy loads, both body fats and body fats, grrr.. I had the courage to face the camera and saved those few photos taken when i was oh so huge simply because i want to remember those ugly years and to force myself not to eat too much or suffer the same embarrassments.