I wish to own a vacation house (even if it’s not that luxurious) someday, somewhere near the beach.. Here I am imagining that I’m at the beach playing with my sons, basking in the glory of the mighty sun while wearing my fave swim wear (lol). Hubby would be watching while taking videos of his happy family and later joining the fun too …..
Okay, so how can one buy that dream house and not sink in the financial hole a few months later? Answer is – Find Foreclosed Houses!

Let’s say you are just a regular guy but still allowed to dream a bit bigger than usual. You want a home near the beach so you can finally enjoy a well rested vacation with your loved ones. You got some money saved, enough to purchase your dream house and so you go and find a real estate broker near the place you desire and ask to see foreclosed houses.
A lot of investors like this regular guy have become wiser through the years. They know that the best way to get their dream houses is to find a fair priced foreclosed homes and that also includes beach front properties. They can do whatever they wanna do with it, make it their permanent residences or just a place to relax during summer season. You can even get a great deal in a coastal property at the beaches of North Carolina!
If you are one filthy rich man, then by all means, invest in a luxurious vacation home, one that will totally blow away your friends! Well, why not? It’s an investment and in case you wasted all your money, you still have a beautiful house to live at or perhaps sell it too, so you can get your finances back on track.
Before buying a house, make sure you check the foreclosed ones first. At least you can get it way cheaper, so you can spend what you’ve saved on beautifying your humble abode.