Oklahoma is a state as varied as any other, yet when people move there, they expect one property type. Whether you assume it will always be hot, or you’re unsure why the earth trembles occasionally, you might not be prepared for what Oklahoma has going on. Here are the top ways to keep your home ready for all weather and how you can enjoy the state the most.
Consider The Tornadoes
Because of its location in the dust bowl, Oklahoma is well known for its tornadoes. When you build your property, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place for emergencies. Most homes in the cities have either a safe basement or a sturdy tornado shelter that can be put to use. If you can’t make use of these, ensure that your home has at least one room without windows against an exterior wall. In case of emergencies, this may become your tornado shelter.
Yes, There Are Earthquakes
Due to fracking, some earthquakes ripple through Oklahoma. Over 80 hit the state every month currently, which is scary on its own, but most of these can’t be felt or won’t cause any damage. Although it’s way too many earthquakes to have to deal with, it’s not hard to prepare your home if a bad one hits. Use curio cabinets instead of setting things on open shelves and ensuring anything precious or breakable is well secured so it doesn’t shatter. It’s good to make sure that your home and family members are safe.

Rain Wherever You’re At
Most people consider when trying to figure out their yard is how much moisture is in their soil. If you’re looking at Oklahoma City houses for sale, you should know that most of the ground is relatively dry. Oklahoma, on average, only gets 17 to 56 inches of rain, depending on where in the state you are. Some people use alternatives to grass, like creating inventive rock lawns or growing natural plants on their property, which will keep your topsoil from slipping away when it does rain.
How Bad Is The Summer?
Summers in Oklahoma can be rough, depending on the area you’re in. August and September can be the most difficult to deal with since temperatures reach the mid to upper 90s. Luckily, because the air is thinner here, there’s less mugginess that can leave you feeling like you can’t get a breath in most Southern states. Instead, the sun is hot and directly on your property. If you want to save money on electricity bills, you can install solar plates to gather that light and help power your air conditioner.

What’s the Winter Like?
Although Oklahoma rarely gets enough snow to gather, it does get its fair share of cold. Winter temperatures range between 18 degrees to 45 and are usually accompanied by cutting winds. If you like to keep plants outside, it may be a good idea to buy covers for them or bring them in during the winter.