When you move into a neighborhood, the first thing you must do is introduce yourself to your neighbors. While this approach isn’t required, it’s ideal if you want to get the most out of where you decide to live. Many people stay in their homes and never associate with the people around them. This isn’t the right way to go about doing things. You don’t have to figure out who your neighbors are. You never know though. Your neighbors could quickly become your best friends. Staying away from them could have prevented you from having the opportunity to enjoy their company. Once you have developed a dynamic with your neighbors, the next thing you must do is figure out what you’re going to do with them. The best way to introduce yourself to everyone all at once is to throw a party. If a dramatic display of your presence isn’t your thing, you could always go door to door and introduce yourself to each of them individually. Having a group of good friends isn’t going to do any harm to anybody.