Preparing for Noche Buena can be a grueling task and you’d be surprised that at this early mumshies have already started just so the food will be ready in time for the celebrations.

Preparing for Noche Buena can be a grueling task and you’d be surprised that at this early mumshies have already started just so the food will be ready in time for the celebrations.
Children adore Halloween, the one day of the year famous for its connection to candy and every sweet treat imaginable. But all that sugar isn’t very good for them, and it’s a challenge for parents to come up with tasty treats that are as creepy (or creepier!) than mass-produced chocolate eyeballs and gummy monsters.
It’s not impossible, though, to produce treats that are wholesome, tasty, and still thrillingly Halloween-y! One such parent is self-professed travel enthusiast, foodie, and writer Stephanie Zubiri-Crespi. As a mother of two young children, she recognizes that her boys should enjoy the thrill of Halloween just like all the other kids, but also knows that curbing their sweet intake during this candy-crazed holiday is also important.