Dietary supplement CardiMax is once again helping long distance runners harness their own energy in this year’s CardiMax-Clark Ultramarathon, a premier ultramarathon event happening on September 3 and 4 at the Clark Freeport Zone. Seasoned and aspiring ultramarathon runners who wish to join the event can participate in the 100 Kilometer Championship race or the 50 Kilometer Challenge.
Both categories include team relays where each member is required to cover approximately 25 kilometers to complete the race. Competitors are set to race around the areas surrounding the Clark Museum.
The course stretches from the tree-lined Airforce City installation and its WW2 fighters, all the way through areas of the SCTEX expressway, and back to the Sacobia Bridge, ending along Balagtas Avenue. Athletes will be tracked online and in real time using automatic time checkpoint stations.
Preparation for the event includes an 18-week training period spearheaded by running teams, veteran ultramarathon runners, and previous race winners. CardiMax will be made available for free at the training sessions and at designated aid stations throughout the course.
The first CardiMax-Clark Ultramarathon reintroduced the brand as an ideal supplement for athletes, according to Katheryn Feliciano, Integrated Pharmaceutical, Inc. VP for Operations. She recalled that those who tried CardiMax during last year’s training sessions personally felt its capacity to boost energy and specifically asked for the supplement at the aid stations.
“CardiMax used to be known only as a supplement for diabetics and patients with heart disease, but last year’s ultramarathon showed that it also benefited high-endurance athletes who needed help in maintaining their energy levels.” Feliciano said.
For CardiMax-Clark Ultramarathon organizer Christine Ferrera, last year’s partnership proved to be a synergy of purpose: “The tie-up with CardiMax was aligned with our goals of promoting health through sports. Last year was a good experience for the runners, and we will do our best to keep this year’s event just as festive as it is challenging,” Ferrera said.
Ideal for athletes
CardiMax is a supplement composed entirely of pure L-Carnitine, a nutrient that helps convert stored fat into energy. While the human body naturally produces L-Carnitine, it usually falls short of the requirements needed to synthesize the nutrient. One way to augment this is by consuming more red meat, which, in turn, can cause a number of health problems.
With CardiMax, the body receives sufficient amounts of L-Carnitine without having to increase red meat intake. This is helpful for athletes who need to watch their diet while simultaneously maintaining peak physical performance.
Registration for the event is until July 15, 2016. For more information about the CardiMax-Clark Ultramarathon, please log on to